About Me

Hey! I am Giulia,
a front-end developer from Italy.
I enjoy to share what I learn, going hike through the nature relaxes me, and I am in love with plants ðŠī.
In this site you will find:
- useful short tips about what I discover daily ~ ðtoday i learned
- detailed articles about tools and projects setup ~ ðtutorials
- a motivational quote for each post, to keep your spirit high âĻ
- lot of funny gifs to make you take a break and smile ð
All content in this blog is open-source and accessible in this repository, so if you find a typo or incorrect explanations (I am trying my best to write in a fluent English, but I'm still learning ð), please open an issue/pull-request, or DM me at Twitter @giulia_chiola Thank you!