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Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got to keep going. Chantal Sutherland

About Me

Giulia Chiola profile picture

Hey! I am Giulia,
a front-end developer from Italy.

I enjoy to share what I learn, going hike through the nature relaxes me, and I am in love with plants ðŸŠī.

In this site you will find:

  • useful short tips about what I discover daily ~ 📕today i learned
  • detailed articles about tools and projects setup ~ 📘tutorials
  • a motivational quote for each post, to keep your spirit high âœĻ
  • lot of funny gifs to make you take a break and smile 🙃

All content in this blog is open-source and accessible in this repository, so if you find a typo or incorrect explanations (I am trying my best to write in a fluent English, but I'm still learning 😇), please open an issue/pull-request, or DM me at Twitter @giulia_chiola Thank you!