1 |
Add HTML classes to 11ty markdown content |
posts/add-html-classes-to-11ty-markdown-content/ |
2 |
Create CSS classes dynamically |
posts/create-css-classes-dynamically/ |
3 |
Force include classes in critical CSS |
posts/force-include-classes-in-critical-css/ |
4 |
Sass placeholder and its limits |
posts/sass-placeholder-and-its-limits/ |
5 |
How to rename a git branch |
posts/how-to-rename-a-git-branch/ |
6 |
Git cheatsheet |
posts/git-cheatsheet/ |
7 |
Git flow initialize |
posts/git-flow-initialize/ |
8 |
How to set up GitHub/GitLab issue and PR templates |
posts/how-to-set-up-githubgitlab-issue-and-pr-templates/ |
9 |
Oh my zsh git plugin cheatsheet |
posts/oh-my-zsh-git-plugin-cheatsheet/ |
10 |
Remove duplicates in object arrays |
posts/remove-duplicates-in-object-arrays/ |
11 |
How to remove all links in JavaScript |
posts/how-to-remove-all-links-in-javascript/ |
12 |
Fix developer path after upgrade to MacOS Catalina |
posts/fix-developer-path-after-upgrade-to-macos-catalina/ |
13 |
Add comments in JSON file |
posts/add-comments-in-json-file/ |
14 |
Npm cheatsheet |
posts/npm-cheatsheet/ |
15 |
Start an npm project |
posts/start-an-npm-project/ |
16 |
Show console outputs based on environment |
posts/show-console-outputs-based-on-environment/ |
17 |
Shell cheatsheet |
posts/shell-cheatsheet/ |
18 |
Nunjucks advanced loops |
posts/nunjucks-advanced-loops/ |
19 |
Add a class in Nunjucks using a conditional statement |
posts/add-a-class-in-nunjucks-using-a-conditional-statement/ |
20 |
Add items to an array in Nunjucks |
posts/add-items-to-an-array-in-nunjucks/ |
21 |
Nunjucks scoped variable declarations |
posts/nunjucks-scoped-variable-declarations/ |
22 |
Add multiple classes in pug |
posts/add-multiple-classes-in-pug/ |
23 |
Visual Studio Code shortcuts |
posts/visual-studio-code-shortcuts/ |
24 |
How to add generic styles in Vue Styleguidist |
posts/how-to-add-generic-styles-in-vue-styleguidist/ |
25 |
How to add Google Fonts in Vue Styleguidist |
posts/how-to-add-google-fonts-in-vue-styleguidist/ |
26 |
Find element in array and move it to the first position |
posts/find-element-in-array-and-move-it-to-the-first-position/ |
31 |
How to speed up development with GitHub CLI |
posts/github-cli/ |